可助你用自己的短域名來縮址, 運用於 twitter 等社群平台, 可順便推廣品牌
其實過去幾年來已經有不少人用自己註冊的短域名(短的獨立網址)來做 將長網址縮址 的運用,
但 正式提供用戶協助, 透過 bit.ly平台 將用戶自己的短網址拿來做縮址的運用, 這好像是頭一遭(全面開放用戶申請). 縮址服務一直被網路行銷者和聯盟行銷家廣泛用於社群平台做商品推廣或網路賺錢等活動,
如今 可讓人用自己的短網址來做縮址的運用, 這將有助於推廣使用者的域名品牌, 讓該品牌名隨著縮址被廣貼到 twitter 或 FB 等社群平台而快速擴張知名度. 此外, 還支援 次網域 也可用來縮址.
例如, 超級Max 的 可設定某個次網域 (例): 來當縮址專用網址, 同時可快速擴張網事通)品牌的能見度 (超級Max 的 網事通 品牌已經很有名, 在此只是借來舉例).
但由於這個 的幫你用自己域名來縮址的服務還很新, (大概)也還沒有成效或風險評估,
建議先拿閒置中,還沒建站的域名, 或者新註冊的域名 來作嘗試.
昨天收到 twitterfeed email 的相關訊息, 如下 :
What Is a Custom Short Domain and Why Do I Want One?
The Custom Short Domain is the domain that takes the place of "" in a shortened URL. If you were to use "" as a custom domain, instead of appearing like this:
your links would appear like this:
A custom short domain is a great way to brand your content across the web! For example, the New York Times uses "" as a custom short domain, and TechCrunch uses "".
How Do I Set Up My Custom Short Domain?
Using bitly to power your short domain is very easy.
1) Purchase the short domain you'd like to use. This domain can only be used for your shortened URLs. is a great place to begin your search, and 101domain has lots of exotic short domains for sale. Your short domain name needs to be 15 characters or less (including the dot).
2) Tell bitly about your domain. Sign in to your bitly account, go to "settings" from the upper right pull-down menu, (or click here) and enter your short domain under under "Custom Short Domain."
3) Create a DNS record for your domain. Using the control panel of the host with whom you registered your short domain (101Domain, GoDaddy, etc), set the DNS A Record for your short domain to point to If you are using a subdomain (such as as your custom short domain, you can set the CNAME Record for that subdomain to point to
Remember that DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate.
That's it!
有 短域名 閒置中或還沒建站的, 或許可拿來試一試.

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